Client Testimonials

“I've lived my entire life accompanied by a feeling of existential terror and dread that no medication, substance, relationship, or achievement was able to eradicate. From our very first full session Anastasia was able to guide me to a place where I could meet that terrified child within me fully for the first time. This experience transformed my self-loathing into self-compassion and initiated me into learning how to become my own sense of safety.

I have spent years approaching trying to "fix" myself and my pain through meditation, journaling, and every form of bodywork under the sun yet none of it has reached the root of the issue like Voice Dialogue has. 

My emotionally abusive childhood resulted in deep trust issues. As a consequence, I have struggled to be vulnerable and honest with therapists in the past. Anastasia's openness about her own healing process through Voice Dialog makes you feel safe to dive into the process and know that no matter what comes up you will feel safe, guided, and met without judgement. I've never had so much hope for my life in my life”.

Rachel from California

Coming out of a 5 year relationship break-up, I found myself confronted and broken to pieces, with my nervous system unable to cope with everyday life. By the time I met Anastasia, I was in classical behavioral therapy for close to 6 months. Behavioral therapy gave me the awareness of my issues, but little relief was coming from the mere knowledge. I was looking for a more effective approach to dealing with my emotions and I’m so thankful I found it with Anastasia!

Anastasia has an incredible gift of listening, quickly identifying with a problem and offering just the right path to its solution in the complex Voice Dialogue maze. Her sessions helped me truly meet the deepest parts of my subconsciousness that needed to be heard. Every session was bringing a profound discovery and often tears of relief would uncontrollably roll down my face. I found myself feeling emotionally lighter after each session, getting a deeper sleep, and finally my racing thoughts calmed down after just a few sessions.

The hardest part of getting into Voice Dialogue practice was letting go of the narrative control and letting Anastasia become my guide. Today, I am able to practice it on my own when I need to gain control over my emotions.

Thanks to Anastasia, I learned to dissolve the crippling anxiety in the face of work or family challenges, and to get over self-doubt and even conquer self-abandonment that has been following me my whole life.

It's true what they say - the most important relationship you'll ever have is the one with yourself. And for the first time in my life I feel like I found the right tool to be able to heal and nurture myself.

I wish everyone could access the power of this incredibly effective method and live a happier life. And I absolutely recommend Anastasia as a thoughtful and effective guide into Voice Dialogue method!

Elena from California

I literally feel 10kg lighter after each of our sessions. I feel like there was something in my way to connect more deeply before. I can already feel we are talking with each other nicer. And it's just the beginning. Thank you! You have such a calming presence”.

Before, was stuck in a cycle of fighting and resentment with her partner. After couple of sessions, she found herself feeling emotionally lighter, and her dynamic with her husband immediately started to improve towards more love and tenderness.

— Ildiko from Thailand

I am just amazed how quickly in one session we got into the core issue of identifying one of the key personae or one of my 'Selves' that's been there within me, protecting me and causing me the emotional anxiety, separation and just the loss & seeming blockage in my relational issues.  From the investigation to the discussion to concluding with a helpful exercise where I could experience for myself, the way to be aware of my various 'selves', to define them (even give them a name!) so I know and am conscious of this critic, judgmental, analytical or guarded self when it comes up, that way, I can process it, eventually letting it dissipate! Thank you, Anastasia, for so skillfully navigating this with me, helping me see the crux of the problem. Much appreciated!”

— Debbie from Thailand

Anastasia is a safe, sweet, and caring person. After our work together I learned to connect to my vulnerable parts so I can experience the connection I want with others”.

Before, she struggled with connection. After working together, she felt more comfortable to nurture parts of herself that were abandoned before.

— Laurel from California

I always thought that I didn’t need a professional therapist, like it was beneath me to search for this type of help. After a few months with Anastasia, I realize that I should have sought this type of support much earlier. My relationship to myself and to others would have greatly benefited from earlier support, but I am grateful nonetheless to have Anastasia’s assistance now through Voice Dialogue to navigate what would otherwise be turbulent waters.”

Eddie from Thailand

I felt safe and comfortable with Anastasia. I put more intention now to connect to the sensitive parts of myself to live more fulfilling life”.

Before, she was scared to look at her emotional pain and felt sense of an inner resistance. After the first session, she felt more relaxed. She started to nurture the abandoned parts of herself that needed attention and love. 

— Yulia from Thailand

“Thank you so much for giving us your time and experience through this seminar and introducing me to Voice Dialogue. I find things come into your life when you're ready for them and it clicked perfectly for me, very empowering and I learnt a lot. I hit a high state of anxiety, depression and burnout nearly 3yrs ago and the universe brought me to a place where I have been able to heal and recover and make some changes but was then stuck in this polarity of fear of allowing it to happen again but now ready to start living life more fully, take more on again and there was conflict.

Your seminar helped me to see this more clearly and gave me the beginnings of some tools to work on this. This was just one area of my life the seminar helped me in, it also gave me clarity and some tools to address conflict or triggers in my relationships with people. I'm truly grateful I can see how with more practice and awareness with someone like you guiding it could bring more and more freedom, awareness and ability to develop oneself!

Very empowering, thank you again so much! It is also humbling to see how this 'work' on ourselves never ends, a reminder to be gentle with oneself and trust the right things will be revealed at the right time, in this world of instant solutions and desire for perfection it is comforting to know this is a life journey not something I've personally failed at while everyone else has achieved it already. Perfection is a lie, and we are all perfectly imperfect on a beautiful journey of discovery which requires courage and humility."

— Miriam from Thailand (a seminar participant)

“I was doing some more reflecting, and I wanted to thank Anastasia Beloshapko for being so open with us during the seminar. Often in therapy or coaching you can feel really disconnected to your therapist but you being so open with us and sharing your own experiences and reflections felt really special and authentic, so thank you.”

— Ally from Thailand (a seminar participant)

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